Ukraine’s President is Showing us the Art of Leading by Communicating

The conflict that is happening in Ukraine feels so heavy. It is hard to watch unfold.

Something that has become a shred of light and hope in this past week — that has caught the attention of many around the world — is the leader of Ukraine, their President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

It has been compelling to watch from a far, a leader step up in the way Zelenskyy has in a time of crisis such as this — the first war it feels like we’re watching unfold on social media.

Like many others, I too have been inspired by how Zelenskyy has shown up as the leader of his country. It has been his communications style that is helping him covey who he is and the type of leader he is for his people — emerging before our eyes as one of history’s best and most courageous leaders in modern times — because of how he is communicating.

And many are taking note.

Many questioned Zelenskyy’s credibility as the President of his country because he was an actor (sound similar to how many question our Canadian Prime Minister ‘s qualifications being a teacher? Remind me again as to what the ‘qualifications’ are to be the leader of a country?)

You know what could arguably be the single most important trait someone needs to lead their country?

You have to be a good communicator, to be able to speak to the people who elected you. You have to resonate with them, make them understand you and have them see themselves as part of the solutions to your troubles you face as a country.

Zelenskyy has used communicating as one of his greatest weapons in fighting this war so far. There are three reasons why — he has been accessible, motivating through his visuals and his words have been digestible and inspiring, so much so that others want to take action and do something with how they feel after listening and watching him.

  1. Accessible. He continues to use his Twitter profile as an effective means of keeping people up-to-date. He posts almost every few hours, and in both Ukrainian and English.

  2. Motivating through his visuals. His visuals (see below) are simply compelling and the way he is using video to continue to update his people is formidable— and most importantly, translatable. Whatever language you speak, his visuals convey something that we as the viewers feel. This is critical in the times we live in.

  3. His words are digestible and inspiring. Zelenskyy’s quotes like “I need ammunition, not a ride” as he was reportedly quoted as saying to the US administration when they offered to evacuate him out of his own country only a few short days ago as war erupted, received worldwide media attention. This other quote that has been shared numerous times on social media is one that has been attributed to Zelenskyy as well:

“I do not want my pictures in your offices, for the President is not an icon, an idol or a portrait. Hang your kids’ photos instead — and look at them each time you are making a decision.” — Volodymyr Zelenskyy

It was also this speech that Zelenskyy delivered earlier this week to European Parliament, that received a standing ovation.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s visuals are compelling.

We all look for the hero in a story.

We all want the hero to overcome the challenges they face. Zelenskyy has not only appeared to rally his own people, but the rest of the world at the same time. As this Hill article writes, “When Zelensky speaks, we are all Ukrainian.”

Zelenskyy’s courage in showing up in the way he has, offering others access to him in the way he is and sharing his messages through the means he is, is making him a hero for his people and the world right now, when everyone needs it.

As American author Adam Grant so perfectly articulated,

“Charisma attracts attention. Courage earns admiration. But commitment to a group inspires loyalty.”

Regardless of the outcome, which we’ll never be certain as to know how this will end until it’s over, we know that right now, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is inspiring his people and the rest of the world through the art of how he is communicating— the most powerful way to lead in modern day society.


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The One Difference in Communicating